
Malawi 便り Part3 〜生活編①〜

こんにちは、M2の竹内です。たまには、気分を変えて日本語で書きたいと思います。長かった協力隊活動ももうすぐ終わろうとしている。今回は紹介がてら、今までのマラウイでの生活を少し振り返って見ようと思う。 マラウイに初めて着いたのは2010年6月23日、…


Hello, this is Ayaka, an M2 student taking a break and working in Senegal as a JICA volunteer right now. As Yuki wrote in the last entry, I would like to write about my life here. It has been almost one year and the half of my stay has alr…

Ethiopia便り Part አንድ (AND)

Hello, this is Yuki Shimazu, a D1 student at Yamada seminar and currently studying at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. I saw the previous blog article which was posted by Kyohei and I decided to write “Ethiopia 便り”.It has been 2 months …

Malawi 便り Part2

Hi, this is Kyohei Takeuchi working as a JOCV in Malawi. As I briefly introduced last time, my work here in Malawi is to promote “情操教育” at primary school, which is similar to Ayaka’s activity in Senegal. My current activities are to co…

Achi Village Trip 2012

Hello, my name is SENG Vanmaren, a current graduate student in GSID. I am very fortunate to be able to join the Achi village trip organized by Prof. Yamada. I would like to share my experience and my feeling about this two-day trip. On the…