Annual Recharge---IEDF 2010 Kobe Oct.16-17

Hey! G Children! (GSID Children)

If sensei did not memtioned the update of the blog, I am afraid that nobody would remember to update it since everyone just became very busy after coming back from Kobe ten days ago. I am quite sure nobody forgot the study trip. And I believe it is just because of the trip which pushed members in our seminar to work too harder to stop since we got tremendous power from IEDF:)

Personally, the annual conference of International Education Development Forum (IEDF) just can be considered as an annual recharge-it is a recharger for energy-consuming Master and Doctoral students. Once coming back from the conference, I feel full of power to continue what I am doing and to exlpore something new for me to do in the coming whole year.

And it is a mirror to let me know what is really going on with my own research and what is going on with others.

It is a magnet to provide me a chance to meet old friends, to know new friends and to expand my own academic networks and friendship. Espeically, the magnet becomes stronger to have new friends from Seoul National University.

Hey friends! What is the most unforgetable part for you in IEDF this year? For me, professors' individual presentation about their career is the most exciting part. Let's review some sentences which were given by professors:

"Because I am too excellent..."---How do you feel the sentence from Professor Yonezawa? I feel strong confidence and ambition from it. Trying to be excellent may give us more opportunities...although it will be a long journey...

"Knowing what you want to do. And then make effort...."---Professor Yamada's sentence looks easy. But I guess it takes time and energy to really understand what we want to do:)---Like my research question...:)

"Network..."---Of course, it is not the only word that Professor Koroda said. However, through his stories of making such network with other profeeors, I really look forward to seeing my or our network in the coming future!

"Suffering"---Do you still remember the Professor who used to be a "bad" student when he was small? Professor Yoshida's speach was very interesting. If suffering is happiness, I think we students now are suffering in the happiness!

"If you do not have a job, just create it."---You must still remember the great old man from Seoul National University. Professor Kim who originally comes from Kenya gave us a fantastic presentation. I felt so moved and got many energy from him, how about you?

......If I connect these key words together, it will be: Since we have not been excellent yet, we should try to know what we want to do and then make effort. Although the process might be suffering, we should believe it is a way which leads us to the "Happiness"! The Happiness could be the job we create together by utilizing our network!!!

Hey G Children! Let's make it! Let's suffer for our happiness!!!

Once again, on be half of members from GSID, we would like to show our appreciation to friends from Kobe Unviersity. Thanks for your well-organization before and during the conference, we all enjoyed very much!!!

Friends! Let's work harder together and meet again in Seoul next year!--Look forward to the Annual Recharge in next year!

Liu Jing