Reunion with current and former students in Senegal and France

This is Shoko Yamada. I am just back from Senegal where I visited to evaluate the Japanese assistance in the field of techical and vocational education dispatched by Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During my stay, I met with Ayaka Iwatsuki, master's student who is currently working as a JOCV volunteer. She is trying to promote art education in primary schools. I am happy to find that she is enjoying her work and learning a lot from it.

I also met Ms. Tomoko Matsumoto, JICA expert for the project on science and math teachers education. Matsumoto-san is pursuing a Ph.D. in GSID-EHRD program.
Ms. Kayo Matsui, whom I met in Paris on my way back to Nagoya, is now the mother of a 1-year-old boy! It was very nice to see that she is leading a happy life in Paris.

Shoko Yamada